Dedicated to Domination

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Nice weather we are having eh?

So. I don't know if anyone has noticed, but there is this little thing called The Weather Channel. From the name of this channel, I am sure you can guess what comes. Or can you? Well if you guessed, 'Weather updates!' you would be partially correct.

What actually comes on most of the time, is shows about the weather. Or home improvement tips. Well I am pissed. All I want to see on the weather channel is the weather. Non-stop. Not every 8 minutes on my 'Local on the 8's" This is stupid. How about this. They make a new segment called 'Shit other than the weather, on the 8's or another channel.'

Which leads me right into MTV:Music Television. I think not, nothing but craptastic teeny boppers shows. It used to be that you could depend on MTV2, now all they show is hip-hop, which I love, but I want to see all types of music on there. About the only channel doing what they are supposed to do is BET:Black Entertainment TV. I am black, I watch it, and I am entertained. For people that think BET is racist and want to say, "Where is WET:White Entertainment TV" I say, look around. Every other channel is WET!



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