Dedicated to Domination

Friday, January 20, 2006

Proof positive

I don't know if anyone watches the news anymore, what with the "war" and all I seldom do. I do read it sometimes and this is an interesting story here. For those that are not willing to click I will paraphrase. Apparently this French lady was mauled

by a dog and lost her lips and face and jaw. So she had to get a face transplant. Like this...

Unfortunately, I don't think there was any ass kicking or explosions afterwards. Nor a hot girl. Instead we are dealing with a person that as soon as her revolutionary operation was complete, began smoking anew. Now, of course being the romantic that I am, I would think she would want to run out and kiss someone, I knew I would, are you with me? The smoking thing is a bit absurd. The doctors are already saying it could make her face die and fall off or something. Read the story if you don't believe me.

Which leads me to one thing. I have always said it would be nice to date a smoker. Such dedication. It is amazing. If a person is willing to stand out in the rain and cold for an inanimate cylindrical object, what would they do for someone they cared about. The implications are amazing. Now this chick, gets her face ripped off by a dog, isn't mad at the dog a bit by the way, gets a new one, probably all just so she can smoke. Which brings us full circle to the title of this post. People are dumb. Here is the 'Proof Positive' if you will. I suppose I could have just done a post saying people are dumb, but I am like social scientist here. Hypothesizing, if that is possible since I don't think it is a word, and proving it. I might invent electricity next!


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