Dedicated to Domination

Friday, December 01, 2006

Worst Blogger EVER!!

Well, I needed a break. I couldn't think of anything to write? I forgot my password?

All of these are not true. The truth is, I got lazy, then I forgot about my blog and the 3, possibly 4 people that read it. Never again. I hope. I am back. For reals! I plan to try and blog at the very least, 3 times/week. Get ready to get tired of me!

Official update soon to follow this weekend. People get ready. Also, my digital camera is broken. However, I have a sweet $70 digital camcorder that works awesome during high light. Ehh, it cost 70 dollars, what do you expect. Perhaps you can expect some videos!

The long hiatus has left me with a few important things to tell you guys about. Possible topics for the weekend include:
  1. Why old people wear so much polyester.
  2. Why people at the gym in the evenings can't just go home and shower.
  3. What makes the electric slide electric?
  4. Why my taste in music is awesome. (check out Alice Smith, Citizen Cope, and the new Clipse cds.
Also, while you are checking things out, check out my buddy Brad's new blog.


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:22 PM  

  • I can't stand spelling errors. I needed a do-over. Here we go:

    It's about time. Welcome back! I'm eager to learn why the electric slide is electric. Can I vote for that one?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:24 PM  

  • I am certainly looking forward to constant updates. Hopefully, your determination and wit is more successful than mine, as I tend to fall from the every few day schedule. Maybe we can motivate each other with true competitive spirit! IT IS ON!

    By Blogger BK, at 4:24 PM  

  • Look I found your blog from Brad's page. Now entertain me with your wit and intelligence!

    Hope you're doing well :)

    By Blogger Meena Rebecca, at 4:59 PM  

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