The importance of brand names
This could possibly be the worst blog post ever. It has been a while though. So here is something for the masses.
I have no problem buying generic household items. I don't buy clothes this way though because that is a question of quality. At times though, it can be a question of quality for household items too. One of these such times is the Q-tip.
Pictured here is the real Q-tip.
I have no problem buying generic household items. I don't buy clothes this way though because that is a question of quality. At times though, it can be a question of quality for household items too. One of these such times is the Q-tip.
Pictured here is the real Q-tip.
Superior in every way to the fake Q-tip. Which has plastic stems and less cotton on the tip. They bend and they don't Q-tip well at all. They look like this....
Stay away!
On the other hand. Exactly what is a Q-tip?
Well It says here on
"It was first produced in 1923 after Leo Gerstenzang, the original founder of the Q-tips Company, observed his wife adding cotton to toothpicks. It was originally called Baby Gays and in 1926 was changed to Q-tips Baby Gays. Later the name Baby Gays was dropped. The "Q" in the name stands for quality."
Can this dedicated to domination get any better? I think not!
Other item to never buy generic: TOILET PAPER, cereal, tapioca pudding, tampons, "white-out", bread, condoms (lol) & pregnancy tests (I have seen these at the Dollar Store, not name brand overstock items, but made and distributed by the Dollar Store!Yikes, if you must buy either of these items at the Dollar Store, you def. shouldn't be having sex. Just save the dollar and bank on being pregnant.)While we're on it - helmets & car seats - how much do you care about protecting your dome-piece or a loved one? Oh man, the list could go on and on!
By Anonymous, at 7:58 PM
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