Dedicated to Domination

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Food for Thought

How come the food at the supermarket has a sell by date. I think this is almost completely useless. I think what people should be more concerned with is the eat by date. Which if you look closely is not on any food containers. The sell by date does me no good if I have no idea how long something can last once I have bought or opened it. I even have examples.

One of the most important dates is the born on date that is on beer bottles and cans. Well, since a beer stays sealed, it shouldn't go bad right? Wrong. They go bad anyway and I have no idea how long I have before they do. Now, I understand some people would say that you shouldn't have beer around long enough for it to go bad. For the most part I agree with this. What am I supposed to do though, if I buy a pumpkin ale in November, which is the only time they are available, and since it is one of my favorite types of beer, decide I would like to save one in the fridge to drink on my birthday? Well, I tried it. It was skunk. I didn't know there was a top secret time limit on my foods.

Deli meat is another one. I think deli meat smells weird anyway, even when it is fresh. So I can't use that sense. Old meat looks like new meat, can't use that one either. I am pretty sure they both feel the same, so that one is out. I can't hear age, unless you are an old person, which you could just be a young smoker, or an old smoker. Regardless, that is out too. I am left with, you guessed it, taste. Well if I put bad food in my mouth, (I stepped around the pun you wanted to hear), then the damage is done. There needs to be a better system. Do not even get me started on something from say, Trader Joe's. Nothing there has preservatives. It is not 1872 everything should have preservatives. Especially since there is no date and I don't know how long my blackberry jam can survive outside of my ice cellar. Or, for that matter, if I could even have an ice cellar in 1872.

Pretty much all food falls into two categories:
1. With preservatives
2. Without preservatives

This classification serves only to disturb me more, because either way, I have no idea what my "Eat Before It Kills Me (EBIK)" date is.

Friends; I urge you to go through your fridge and throw all of your condiments out, I guarantee they are old. Probably not bad, but who knows? Why risk it. Enemies; Eat drink and be merry! Industry; I will allow you to use my EBIK system. You now owe me a dollar.

So, in summary. Throw everything away. Or don't. I don' t know and neither do you.

P.S: Please don't reply to me about expiration dates. This is not the same thing, and as everybody can tell you, they have eaten something past the expiration date and not died.

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Sunday, May 27, 2007


List of exotic animals that I would like to eat. (in no particular order)

  • Manatee

  • Panda

  • Giraffe

  • Eagle

  • Komodo Dragon

  • Koala

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Here's A Concert Review From Me To You!

Last Friday I had the pleasure of attending the Citizen Cope concert. I
went to see him at the end of last year and I will have to say it was one of
the best shows I had seen in a long time. I would even put the show on par
with the The Roots. If you haven't had a chance to check it out listen

The first time I saw them at The Norva, it was a very intimate
setting. I mean, they had tables and bar stools on the main floor of the
venue and it was not packed at all. Very chill. They even introduced a new
artist there (Alice Smith). It was wonderful and the sound was

Anyway, I should have known the new show would be doomed from the start. It
starts off like this. Two months ago they announce the show and the tickets
go on sale. I promptly purchase them, because that is what I do. One week
before the show, my friend Chris (check out his band here) gets given FREE
tickets and offers me some. I decline for myself, since like an idiot I
already bought them, and pass them on to my bud Brad(here). I even tell a
friend how good the last show was and he drives from D.C. to check it out.

Well I guess a lot of people got free tickets because the show turned out to
be more like some 2-bit band at a frat party. Most of the time I couldn't
hear Cope since people beside me wanted to talk about their job and what bar
on Granby Street they would be hitting up next. When I could hear, I
couldn't see because some lady with 80's hair was all up in my grill. So I
couldn't even really get into and I spent most of the show fuming, wanting
to leave, or feeling embarrassed that I had hyped up the show so much to my
friends and then it was a bust.

I guess I should just keep my expectations low, and my mouth closed, unless
it is a Roots show.

At least I got my name in lights!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What Time Is It?

Today when I was out for a jog a dude asked me what time it was and he tapped his wrist where his watch should have been. Just after I told him the time, the thought occurred to me. If he had been Flavor Flav and he didn't have his clock/watch/necklace, would he have tapped his wrist or his chest?

Monday, May 07, 2007

The Takeover, the Break's Over

Real fast kiddies. Notice to the right---->
There has been a slight change. You can now see what I am currently listening to. As you can see, at the moment the list is an odd one.

Now, back at it.

Well I have done all sorts of things since I last posted. Here is a recap in the life of Brian.

I went to Las Vegas.

While in Vegas I went to the Hoover Dam.

I had some beers!

Now that I have my strength up, all is well. Here are some random things that have been going on.

* My stereo receiver died. Nothing funny about that. Now I have to get a new one.
*My hero Brett Shankles said that he wanted to go to a strip club with a bunch of change and "Make It Hail". Although we did not go to a strip club and he did not make it hail, I almost died laughing.

I think that sums it up for now.
Oh yeah, I rode a tiger! They are a lot tamer than you would think. I am also trying to figure out how to add an RSS feed to my blog so you guys don't have to keep checking back when I fall off!

Also, be kind and visit Brad's blog. (See right toolbar) . Apparently we are in the middle of a blog-off. =)