Dedicated to Domination

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Too Fast, Too Furious

This morning, I was watching headline news. Usually I like to actually watch this show because I enjoy reading the ticker tape at the bottom of the screen, but when I am getting dressed in the mornings, I do not have time to watch, I can only listen. This morning I was running a bit early and I got to watch this clip about all of the flooding in Washington, D.C. It was wild. The IRS even had to close. I am sure this will not affect my taxes.

Well as always they had to interview an idiot. Unfortunately, they always seem to find the most ignorant black person to interview. If there is not an ill dressed black person, the second choice is a trashy white person. I swear they could see an assortment of black and white people in business suits and the media would go wake up a homeless person to interview. However, I digress.

This time they found a normal person to interview. Just a regular white male. I almost died when I heard him speak. The dialogue went something like this.

Reporter: "So mister, tell me what you saw."
Dude: "Well, I saw all this rain falling. It was really wild. Just 2-4 inches came up from nowhere."
Reporter: "What happened next."
Dude: "It just kept raining and it kept coming down more fast and furious."

This is the part where the reporter should have said "Get the fuck out of here. Are you kidding me? Did you seriously just explain the weather conditions with the title of a movie?"

Well, it didn't go that way. The interview just ended. I laughed so hard. The bigger question is, what kind of society are we living in when the most eloquent phrases are only conceived by Hollywood writers. (This coming from a guy that quotes movies and song lyrics at will. Me!)


So the other day my TIVO captured a great television show. Essentially, this show had everything that a real show should have. Ladies, fast cars, explosions, gunfire, and last but not least, sweet clothes. The show I am talking about is Miami Vice. The show, is about vice squad detectives in Miami. These two cats were the coolest. They always had the dopest cars, taken from dope dealers of course, and fly pastel suits for when they were undercover, which was always. In the television show, it was hella hot in Miami, which I don't bet is too far from the truth in real Miami. The important question is this. Why the hell was home slice sporting a beard, in Miami, for like 3 seasons of this show?

Not cool.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


So I just got my haircut yesterday. I had worn it long with a goatee for a few months, but since it is summer I decided to cut it really short. Not quite bald though. I kept my sweet goatee though. I look like my own evil twin, (evil twins always have facial hair). Well my haircut got me to thinking. You know what would be a sweet haircut. A "Napoleon". This would be like a Mohawk but instead of front to back, it would be side to side. All the punk rockers could sport them to rebel against the other punks. If "Napoleon" sounds bad, we could always call it a "Bonaparte". It is a, how you say... Sweet idea. No?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

"Back in the day when I was young... I'm not a kid anymore, but sometimes I sit and wish I was a kid again"

I've got a past guys. I wasn't born yesterday. Now it is time for some interesting facts about me. First off, when I was younger, I hated to wear jeans. My parents couldn't get me in them. So they made me wear corduroys in the winter. I hated those. It turns out, my first pair of jeans that I wanted was in 6th grade. Now, I think I actually have a problem with buying denim. I like it a lot. I don't really want to wear slacks at all. Circle of life I guess.

When I was younger I got to dress myself. I did it early on, with a sweet thing called garanimals, which is apparently still in business. These things were sweet. They had animals on the tags and you would match the animals in order to make your clothes match. Maybe that is where I get my killer coordination from. That shit sticks with you I guess.

Lastly, my favorite thing from my childhood was my transformers watch. It was so cool. It was a little digital watch. If you pushed a little button on it, the watch face would come off and you could transform it into a little miniature robot. So not only was I able to tell time, I had a hella cool toy with me at all times. Until I was playing basketball in kindergarten and it got knocked off of my arm. It broke and my mom couldn't find a replacement. Seems it has turned up on eBay. I would get it, but what would I do with it? GREATEST WATCH EVER!


All of the titles of my blogs with quotes in them. Are just that, quotes. They come from mostly songs but some are from movies. If anyone cares enough to delve deeper, leave me a comment and I can start saying where they come from.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

"Freedom is the Ultimate Goal"

So a few weeks ago I went to a concert at The Norva. I have been to quite a few shows here. Usually well priced and a variety of acts tend to show up. Unfortunately lately, it has all been MTV emo/pop punk crap. Before you jump on me, there is some good emo out there.

Anyway, picture my expression when I found out THE hip-hop band, The Roots, was going to be there. I have seen The Roots about 7 or 9 times. Great show.

However I was surprised/shocked/confused when I saw security at the door. Depending on where you were this might not have been a big deal, but this was the first time I had ever seen either. So here I am at my first rap show at the Norva and I have to get frisked and patted down. I was furious.

I guess the owners, or whoever, think that since it is a rap show that it will be violent. Or, perhaps they thought there would be "thugs". Anyone that listens to The Roots knows that there are no thugs that listen to them. They are considered conscious rappers. So security was not an issue.

Unfortunately, the first reason I can come up with is that because there were going to be more black people there, they felt they needed to have security to keep "us" (concert goers, all races I might add) safe. Now perhaps I am being a bit crazy. Maybe the the band asked for the added security. However I find this hard to believe.
The questions that remain are...
When will I as a black man, be able to:
  • Ride the elevator with an older white woman, and not have her grab her purse tighter and try to avoid eye contact.
  • Stand with a group of my peers and not be seen as lazy, goofing off, etc., (this happens at my job)
  • Gather in a public place with 3 or more other black folks and not be "up to something"

In no way am I a paranoid black man. I know that as a whole this country has come a long way since the forties. We still have a long way to go. Racial profiling has got to stop. So that it will be okay for say, a white man to be in a predominately black neighborhood and not be buying drugs, a person to be in a turban and not be a terrorist, a woman to express her opinion and not be a feminist.

As always, I'll take comments on this. That is, if anyone is still reading this since I have been busy and a bit lazy with my posts.

Club K'mart

Well now. History time!
Little do many know, but apparently Guam is where the first Super K' was located. There is a parking lot on the roof and it is huge. Inside, it doesn't look like any Kmart around here. It is clean and there are people in it. More importantly, there are tons of Japanese tourists inside. I don't know what it is, but the Japanese love all things American. In return, I do have a special place, in the place where my heart should be, for the Japanese.

Especially the girls. I like the way they dress. Now I say they, because whatever fashion trend is going on Japan at the time, everyone seems to get into it. Kmart is no exception. Tour buses pull up here...

...and out hop tourists to shop. The women are all dressed up like it is a night club. The fad this summer seems to be, short shorts, pig tails, knee high socks and high heeled shoes. Crazy that you would be wearing all that to a Kmart in the middle of tropical weather. I can't complain though.

Back in the States, Waxin' Ecstatic

Here I am, back in VA. Loads of fun. I jumped right back into summer school. Boo!

Well, I suppose it is time to give another post about Guam. (All photos by me, BG.)
This will be quick and to the point.

Clear water?





Nice place to be overall.