Government Work
broken phone = call for help
broken computer = email for help
broken government = efficiency?
Unfortunately, I don't think there was any ass kicking or explosions afterwards. Nor a hot girl. Instead we are dealing with a person that as soon as her revolutionary operation was complete, began smoking anew. Now, of course being the romantic that I am, I would think she would want to run out and kiss someone, I knew I would, are you with me? The smoking thing is a bit absurd. The doctors are already saying it could make her face die and fall off or something. Read the story if you don't believe me.
Which leads me to one thing. I have always said it would be nice to date a smoker. Such dedication. It is amazing. If a person is willing to stand out in the rain and cold for an inanimate cylindrical object, what would they do for someone they cared about. The implications are amazing. Now this chick, gets her face ripped off by a dog, isn't mad at the dog a bit by the way, gets a new one, probably all just so she can smoke. Which brings us full circle to the title of this post. People are dumb. Here is the 'Proof Positive' if you will. I suppose I could have just done a post saying people are dumb, but I am like social scientist here. Hypothesizing, if that is possible since I don't think it is a word, and proving it. I might invent electricity next!
A while back I used to enjoy a nice well made juicy steak. Medium is how I liked them. Then, one day I just lost my taste for them. I perhaps chalk it up to the fact that my doctor told me I had border-line high cholesterol and needed to cut back on the red meat. I guess after that I got scared straight. However, one thing that I didn't lose my taste for was veal. For those that do not know, veal is a delicious meat made from immobilized calves fed only the best ingredients. The result is a very tender and tasty meat. That looks like this.
Veal Parmesan is a popular dish that it is used in, but more on that later. A while back a friend of mine began a panda watch. Check it out here. Now every time I saw that panda I only thought of one thing. "Yum". I wonder what panda would taste like. Some of you may be thinking this is cruel. However, I think that is dumb. This is based on the fact that from natural selection alone, this animal should have been taken care of a long time ago. An animal that doesn't move much and only eats one thing, deserves to be in turn eaten. I think panda would be tender like veal but with a much higher meat yield.
Years ago there was this movie with Matthew Broderick and Marlon Brando, in which the latter held parties for socialites and for a high price they could eat dinner made of endangered animals. I like this idea, only it needs a bit of tweaking. I am thinking, meals for everyone at fast food prices. Doesn't the McPanda Sandwich sound good to you? Besides, they look like criminals. What with the shady mask they wear and those shifty eyes. Is he smoking a cigarette? Or maybe pot or pcp.